
How to create an account to release apps on the App Store Connect?

The whole process is a bit more demanding than creating an account for the Google Play Console. The setup itself takes about 30 minutes, afterwards, you have to wait up to a few days for Apple to process the request.


jan Špriňar

Product manager



1. Mobile phone for two-factor authentication.
2. Payment card, from which the annual payment will be charged.
3. Your business information (you will need your tax id number - DIČ).
4. Your Apple ID. (If you don’t already have an Apple ID nemáte, start with step 1: „Create an Apple ID“. Otherwise, proceed to step 2 „Register for the Apple Developer Program“)

1st step: Create an Apple ID

Fill in the form to get an Apple ID.

TIP: If you plan to release the app for Android on Google Play as well, we recommend using the same form of the Apple ID as you use for the Google ID. This way you will receive the same user name to sign in as on Google Play (for example apps@mobilesoft.eu).

2nd step: Register for the Apple Developer Program

1. Go to the registration pages for the Apple Developer Program.
2. Click on Start your enrollment.
3. Sign in using your Apple ID.
4. Click through a set of screens with your information and confirm the purchase. (The annual membership costs 2799 Kč.)

After you complete your registration, Apple takes a few days to verify the information and then sends you a confirmation email. The whole process usually takes about 3 days.

During the registration process, you will also be prompted to purchase a D-U-N-S number

TIP. If you are a legal entity, enter the Developer name as your business registration (ochodní rejstřík).

What is a DUNS number?

A D-U-N-S number is a unique nine-digit number, that identifies businesses based on their concrete location. This number, assigned and maintained by the company Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), is widely used as a business identifier.

TIP: How to add other users to your account? 

After receiving the confirmation email from Apple (arrives a few days after completing step two), open Apple Store Connect.

1. Sign in using your svým Apple ID.
2. At the top, select the section Users and Access and click on the plus button.
3. Fill in the form. Enter the Apple ID of the user you want to add in the email field.

By default, developers get the role of App manager. Everyone should have the checkbox for access to the certificates checked: Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles (under the title Developer Resources). Product managers get assigned the role of Admin.

TIP. Need help?

If you have any trouble setting up your account (Apple does not send the information after several days or you have trouble filling the forms out), you may contact support.

1. Go to the telephone support contact.
2. When you receive the call, say for example „hello“ and press one.
3. You will automatically be connected to an (English-speaking) operator.